David Rubinstein

Hello! I'm David Rubinstein, a sixth-year graduate student in mathematics at the University of California, Santa Cruz currently on the job market. I am working under Beren Sanders.

My research is in the field of Tensor Triangular Geometry. I am currently researching questions related to the structure of various `large' derived categories of motives. Moreover, I am interested in mathematics education research and in more equitable course-redesign.

Before coming to UC Santa Cruz I received my B.S. in Mathematics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, as well as a minor in Physics.

For more information about me, (and for pics of my toothless dog Lala!) see the About me tab ). For a more thorough description of my research, and to view my publications and presentations, click on the Research Tab ). There are many exciting seminars and departmental programs active at UCSC right now: for my involvement in them, click on the Activities tab . I have linked many interesting blogs, notes and resources in my Links tab- most are math related, but there are a lot of fun Yiddish resources there as well.

email: darubins [AT] ucsc [DOT] edu