David Rubinstein

Currently Teaching

  • Math 11A
    Calculus for Life Sciences

    Teaching Assistant (Lead TA)
    Winter 2022, UCSC

    Past Teaching

    • MATH 288B
      Pedagogy of Mathematics (for Grad Student Instructors of Record)

      Teaching Assistant
      Winter 2022, UCSC

    • MATH 117
      Advanced Linear Algebra

      Instructor of Record
      Summer 2022, UCSC
      Teaching Assistant
      Fall 2021, Spring 2022 UCSC

    • MATH 111A
      Introduction to Abstract Algebra

      Teaching Assistant
      Fall 2020, UCSC

    • MATH 100
      Introduction to Proofs and Problem Solving

      Instructor of Record
      Summer 2023, UCSC
      Teaching Assistant
      Fall 2019, Spring 2023, UCSC

    • MATH 23A
      Vector Calculus (Differentiation)

      Teaching Assistant
      Winter 2020, UCSC

    • MATH 21
      Linear Algebra

      Instructor of Record
      Summer 2021, UCSC
      Instructor of Record
      Summer 2020, UCSC
      Teaching Assistant
      Spring 2020, Summer 2019, Winter 2019, UCSC

    • MATH 19B
      Calculus for Science, Engineering and Mathematics (Integration)

      Teaching Assistant
      Spring 2019, Fall 2022 UCSC
      Summer 2019, UCSC

    • MATH 19A
      Calculus for Science, Engineering and Mathematics (Differentiation)

      Teaching Assistant
      Fall 2018, UCSC

    • MATH 11A
      Calculus With Applications (For the Life Sciences)

      Teaching Assistant
      Spring 2021, Winter 2021, Fall 2023 UCSC

    • MATH 3

      Teaching Assistant
      Winter 2023, UCSC

    I subscribe to the following axioms by Federico Ardila:

    • Axiom 1: Mathematical talent is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.
    • Axiom 2: Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.
    • Axiom 3: Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.
    • Axiom 4: Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.